Compensation Awards in Indiana

When you walk into a store these days, you can expect that almost every product on the shelves has been tested and re-tested for safety. However, on rare occasions, a product in St. John is defective. When a defective product causes an injury, this brings up the region of law called Product Liability.

Product Liability Laws

Defective products are grouped into three different classes in Indiana.

First, there are manufacturing defects. These are defects that happen when a product is soundly designed, but some error in its manufacturing caused it to be defective. For instance, the design of a chair might call for a certain type of wood to be used in the legs. If another, more brittle type, were used instead, this would be a manufacturing defect.

The second type are design defects. Design defects are found when the plans off of which the products are built are faulty themselves. If, for instance, a thermos called for too thin of a material to be used, and hot liquids spilled out and burned the user, this would be a design defect.

First, there are manufacturing defects. These are defects that happen when a product is soundly designed, but some error in its manufacturing caused it to be defective. For instance, the design of a chair might call for a certain type of wood to be used in the legs. If another, more brittle type, were used instead, this would be a manufacturing defect.

Help for your Product Liability Claim in St. John Indiana

If you have been injured by a defective product, the best advice that you can follow at this point is to seek the advice of a qualified Products Liability lawyer in Indiana.