Can I Sue for a Workplace Injury in Indiana?

Construction sites require hard hats for a reason - they are especially dangerous!

If you have been harmed in a construction accident in Indiana, the first step is always to seek proper medical attention.

Types of Construction Accidents in Logansport Indiana

All Construction Accidents can fall into two main categories in Logansport.

The first encompasses all injures sustained by people who are not employed at the construction site. Most of the time, these cases involve a pedestrian being hit by falling debris. In these situations, a normal personal injury suit will occur.

The second category of Construction Accidents deals with accidents and injuries sustained by employees on the construction site. For the most part, these employees are compensated through workman's compensation. In some cases, however, such as when a fellow employee caused the accident, the injured party may be entitled to larger recovery.

The first encompasses all injures sustained by people who are not employed at the construction site. Most of the time, these cases involve a pedestrian being hit by falling debris. In these situations, a normal personal injury suit will occur.

Construction Accident Assistance in Indiana

If you have been harmed in a Construction accident of any type, you should contact an accomplished Logansport lawyer who knows how to handle Construction Accidents.