Understand Your Right to Compensation in California

A Slip and Fall is the general term associated with accidents involving someone slipping, tripping or falling on someone else's property as a result of a dangerous condition. The owner of property in Guadalupe may be liable to you for your injuries.

Common Reasons for Slip and Falls in Guadalupe California

Slip and Falls can be caused by unsafe conditions present on property in California.

There are 3 broad categories of conditions that can cause Slip and Fall injuries. First, there are structural defects, more common in old buildings, resulting from wear and tear and a lack of maintenance. Second, there are hazards caused by the weather, such as ice on sidewalks, or water on smooth surfaces. Third, there are building code vilations, where the owner has not taken necessary steps to bring the property into compliance with local safety rules.

You may need to present different evidence depending upon the category of your Slip and Fall case in Guadalupe.

There are 3 broad categories of conditions that can cause Slip and Fall injuries. First, there are structural defects, more common in old buildings, resulting from wear and tear and a lack of maintenance. Second, there are hazards caused by the weather, such as ice on sidewalks, or water on smooth surfaces. Third, there are building code vilations, where the owner has not taken necessary steps to bring the property into compliance with local safety rules.

Get Assistance for your Slip and Fall Case in California

If you have been injured by falling or slipping on someone else's property in Guadalupe then you should speak with a qualified attorney who specializes in Slip and Fall cases to maximize your chances of success in a lawsuit.